Ways Of The Water

My Story.

I grew up in a small town in British Columbia with a big family. Throughout my childhood, I was exposed to substance, emotional and physical abuse within my immediate family. My father struggled with alcoholism and would become violent and unstable when he drank. Due to our family dynamics, I was forced to grow up very young.

- “You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the good already within you and allowing that goodness to emerge. But it can only emerge if something fundamental changes in your state of consciousness.”

Eckhart Tolle

In my first year of high school, my parents “separated.” My father left for India, which meant my mother had to work long hours to take care of our family, and essentially I was left alone for most of my teenage years. Adding to my loneliness, I knew I was different from the beautiful Sikh culture of my family. I wanted to connect with my existence's supernatural and spiritual aspects; however, this exploration was not acceptable within my culture. The loneliness, feeling different, and the trauma I carried from childhood weighed heavy on my soul. Having no idea how to navigate these heavy emotions of resentment, fear and sadness, I fell into a deep depression, smothering anxiety. Although I hid it well, I had given up hope of ever being happy again and contemplated life.

However, one of my mom’s friends, whom I didn’t know, came to stay with us for a while. She was very different from anyone I had met. I could safely share all my experiences, thoughts, feelings, desires and questions with her. She assisted me in healing and connecting to my inner resources. She encouraged and supported me to step into exploration of all I was curious about. My healing journey and connection to Spirit kicked off from there, I had been contemplating the study of Reiki and had been seeing the signs from the divine everywhere.

Sadly, as I embraced my healing journey, my father passed away. Unfortunately, due to covid our family could not be present at the time of his death. I had not seen him in over 3 years and needed closure. His death catalyzed my most profound healing as all my childhood trauma flooded the surface.

About a year later in deep grief, I reached out to a psychic, hoping to connect with my father. Not only was I able to connect, but I received the closure I desperately needed. Additionally thru the psychic, my father told me becoming a reiki healer was a necessary part of my path. He assured me he would assist in every aspect of this journey. So, trusting in him and the Divine, I enrolled in a Reiki course that day. I am now a trained Level 3 Reiki Master.

Amid my Reiki training I was able to connect with my mediumship abilities. I no longer need a psychic to connect to my father. I have been able cultivate a beautiful connection with him in the realm of Spirit that I had been unable to while he was here in person. My father has been an important part of healing journey and continues to guide and assist me in every session.

My intention as a healer is guiding others to heal their trauma and find their unique purpose and identity. We all have a life worth living and recognizing that we have Divine guidance at all times is a big part of that. As we heal individually we contribute to the healing of the collective and the earth itself.


We have worked with some amazing people!

“I had an incredible reiki experience, from start to finish. Seerit has a calming energy that allowed me to fully surrender to the journey together. I was at ease throughout, and could feel stagnant energy being cleared from my throat & sacral areas. I really appreciated Seerit explaining to me afterwards what she channeled through my guides, it was very resonant. Point blank, Seerit is gifted & I’ve recommended her to anyone I know!”

Sandeep Gill

“I loved my session with you!! You have a very peaceful and calming energy and it helped me feel more at ease and go deep within. I appreciated the time you gave after to discuss the session as well as the cards you had emailed me. You have a wonderful gift of healing.”

Neena Patara

“My experience with you continues to be so impactful to my emotional and spiritual growth. Firstly, I really appreciate your email at the time of booking. You convey a lot of important information about the session which mitigates the unknown. This allowed me to trust the process and your guidance before we even met. You also provided purposeful suggestions for creating the best ambiance for the session. I would not have thought about the music or candles. Although sometimes (ok, a lot of the time ;) I cannot find a space for peace and reflection, these suggestions have taught me that I can create that space with a few simple items-and that has been extremely helpful as I continue to grow my reflective and meditative practice. In fact, it's the whole reason that it exists! You have a very calm, kind and non-judgemental way to convey your messages with sensitivity and you provide meaningful alternatives and suggestions to help disrupt patterns, while still validating the current feelings and emotions. That is not easy to do! Finally, your check-ins post sessions are SO amazing. You have provided me with so many tools and resources that are simple to begin with and I also feel curated exactly for me with regards to things I can begin doing to create change with more meaning and intention. This shows how attune you are to the people you guide. Keep shining your love and light into the world....you are truly making a difference. Honestly, I cannot write enough amazing things about you. I feel like you came into my life exactly at the right time and I hope we continue to stay connected.”

Ramann M.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support.

Is distance healing as powerful as in person?
Yes, there is absolutely no difference; the energy moves in the same way. In my experience online allows people to feel more comfortable, there is no need to drive and you are able to process your healing in the comfort of your own space whether at home, in nature or elsewhere.
What do I do during the session?
Nothing, yes nothing. Your Reiki session should be the time in your day where you completely relax yourself and your body and tune the world out and look within. You have the option of lying down or sitting up. All you must do is remind yourself of your intention, close your eyes and breathe.
Do I need anything for the session?
The only thing you will need is some water nearby for the end of the session and I will provide you with some frequencies to play during our session but you are always welcome to play what works best for you. I always recommend having a candle lit. Also having a blanket nearby as everyone has different reactions to the energy, some feel freezing cold some very warm.
What should I expect the following days after the session?
Various emotions can resurface following the session as you are shifting through the energy and allowing for expansion. Allow yourself to feel through them as they are trying to be brought to your attention for release. You may find you are needing some extra sleep, more time alone or in nature. Keep in mind to increase your water intake. Please feel free to reach out and connect with me during these times if you need support or have any questions. I will also be checking in with you via email a few days after the healing.