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If you would like to contact me, the best way to do so is by email. You can reach me at my email address which is Alternatively, if you have any questions or would like to schedule a meeting, you can also reach me on my website at I look forward to hearing from you!

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Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support.

Is distance healing as powerful as in person?
Yes, there is absolutely no difference; the energy moves in the same way. In my experience online allows people to feel more comfortable, there is no need to drive and you are able to process your healing in the comfort of your own space whether at home, in nature or elsewhere.
What do I do during the session?
Nothing, yes nothing. Your Reiki session should be the time in your day where you completely relax yourself and your body and tune the world out and look within. You have the option of lying down or sitting up. All you must do is remind yourself of your intention, close your eyes and breathe.
Do I need anything for the session?
The only thing you will need is some water nearby for the end of the session and I will provide you with some frequencies to play during our session but you are always welcome to play what works best for you. I always recommend having a candle lit. Also having a blanket nearby as everyone has different reactions to the energy, some feel freezing cold some very warm.
What should I expect the following days after the session?
Various emotions can resurface following the session as you are shifting through the energy and allowing for expansion. Allow yourself to feel through them as they are trying to be brought to your attention for release. You may find you are needing some extra sleep, more time alone or in nature. Keep in mind to increase your water intake. Please feel free to reach out and connect with me during these times if you need support or have any questions. I will also be checking in with you via email a few days after the healing.